;Rel. Buddhist ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_Rel_Buddha.gif COMMENT=Updated July 13, 2013 \nSome dates may deviate ±1 day only in case that the moon observation deviates from the moon calculation 01.1.+1Fm =Buddhist/Mahayana, New Year (±1 day moon observation) ;Note=full moon January {m} 16.1. =Buddhist, Shinran Shonin Memorial Day* 08.2. =Buddhist/Mahayana, Parinirvana/Nirwana Day (East Asia) ;Note=regional observance of the death of Buddha, others 15.2. {d} 08.2. =Buddhist/Japan, Buddha's Birthday* ;Note=Gautama Buddha, Buddhist legend #-1028 years ago (1029 BCE), born in Lumbini, Ancient India (Nepal) {d} 15.2. =Buddhist/Japan, Nehan'e, Parinirvana Day (death physical body Buddha)* ;Note=Buddhist legend #-0948 years ago (949 BC), others 08.2. {d} ;Buddhist legends stated that he died on February 15, 949 BCE, actual year: approximately 483 BCE ;28.2., ?Buddha's Conception - The compassionate Buddha's conception is celebrated on this day 21.3. =Buddhist, Spring Ohigon* 01.4.+1Fm =Buddhist/Theravada, New Year (±1 day moon observation) ;Note=full moon april 08.4. =Buddhist/Japan, Buddha Day** ;Note=birthday of Gautama Buddha, #-0562 years ago (563 BCE), born in Lumbini, Ancient India (Nepal) {d} 21.4.+1Nm+7Dy =Buddha's Birthday (Chinese calendar, ±1 day moon observation) ;Note=8th day 4th Chinese month 21.5. =Buddhist, Shinran Shonin Day* 13.7. =Buddhist/Eastern Japan, Welcoming Obon (Shichigatsu Bon) (1/3d)* ;Note=Japanese Buddhist festival to honor the death, Western Japan 13.8. {d} 14.7. =Buddhist/Eastern Japan, Obon (Shichigatsu Bon) (2/3d)* ;Note=Japanese Buddhist festival to honor the death, Western Japan 14.8. {d} 15.7. =Buddhist/Eastern Japan, Farewell Obon, Toro nagashi (Shichigatsu Bon) (3/3d)* ;Note=Japanese Buddhist festival to honor the death, Western Japan 15.8. {d} 13.8. =Buddhist/Western Japan, Welcoming Obon (Hachigatsu Bon) (1/3d)* ;Note=Japanese Buddhist festival to honor the death, Eastern Japan 13.7. {d} 14.8. =Buddhist/Western Japan, Obon (Hachigatsu Bon) (2/3d)* ;Note=Japanese Buddhist festival to honor the death, Eastern Japan 14.7. {d} 15.8. =Buddhist/Western Japan, Farewell Obon, Toro nagashi (Hachigatsu Bon) (3/3d)* ;Note=Japanese Buddhist festival to honor the death, Eastern Japan 15.7. {d} 15.8. =Buddhist, Day of the Dead** 21.9. =Buddhist, Fall Ohigan* 23.9. =Buddhist, Higan* 08.12. =Buddhist, Bodhi Day (Rōhatsu) ;Note=Prince Gautama took his place under the Bodhi tree, vowing to remain there until he attained supreme enlightenment {d} ;in 596 BCE ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm